StartseiteModuleTowards a roadmap for the Western Balkans

Towards a roadmap for the Western Balkans

A simulation game on EU enlargement policy

The European Commission invites both the governments of the Western Balkan countries and the European Council to develop a joint roadmap for the cooperation ahead.

The roadmap shall include:

  • A possible date of EU accession for each of the countries in the Western Balkans
  • Specific support plans (defining the kind of help / technical assistance / advice) given for each of the Western Balkan Countries
  • Specific expectations of the EU to the countries.


In the roles of representatives of national governments (coming from the EU and from the Western Balkans) the participants negotiate a common ‘Agenda for the Western Balkans”, outlining a future path towards closer integration of the Western Balkan region and including a joint vision, a time frame, milestones, criteria and support measures.

The countries are particularly concerned regarding good governance and the rule of law as well as economic and migration issues.

While their interest declared is the stability of the region, they have to take into account democratic support at home (and potential repercussions via populist forces), own economic interest as well as geostrategic and security considerations.

In the simulation game and the subsequent reflection, the participants deal intensively with the opportunities and challenges of the EU’s enlargement policy.



Bei Plan- und Rollenspielen schlüpfen die Teilnehmenden in eine Rolle – z.B. Politiker:in – und spielen einen Entscheidungsprozess nach. So verbinden sie einen einzelnen Standpunkt mit der Erfahrung einer komplexen Struktur und erproben Konfrontation und Kooperation im Schutz einer Rolle. Weil die Teilnehmenden unmittelbar am Handlungsprozess beteiligt sind, ist der Lerneffekt besonders intensiv und motivierend. Durch das persönliche Erleben und die eigene Mitwirkung bleibt das Gelernte besonders gut in Erinnerung.

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